There are surgical, non -surgical (extenders, creams, pills, vacuum pumps, hormones) and combined methods to enlarge the penis.

Which penis is considered normal?
Can various pumps, pills, exercises make your penis bigger? Does surgery help when you want to have a large male member? Penis enlargement ads are now available at all times. And this is understandable, because each of us has a constant desire to improve ourselves. But is it realistic to make an increase in the male genitalia? Let's take a closer look at this issue.
It is now believed that the norm of penis length in an erect position is 12-18 centimeters.
In men, the average length of the penis is 15. 7 cm. If the length of the penis is less than 9. 5 cm, then it is already considered small. There is also a micropenise - its length can be less than two centimeters. If a man is not satisfied with the length of his penis or its shape, then he thinks about an enlargement procedure (this can be a procedure to increase the whole penis or a procedure to increase only the head).

Currently, there are ways to increase male members:
- surgery;
- non -surgical;
- combined.
Surgical methods to enlarge the male limb
Now the number of men who go to urology with complaints of "short male members" is increasing. Not everyone knows that in most such cases, the length from a physiological point of view is considered completely normal. Doctors have long known that men have a clearly exaggerated idea of how long a man’s genitals should be.
The norm is the norm, but not everyone believes it. In addition, a man's growth, his body mass index, makes some amendments to the norm. But not everyone agrees with this view, as we see a clear increase in the ranks under the urology office. One also uses surgical methods to enlarge the male limb.
Penis enlargement surgery methods are performed quite frequently in the world. However, by themselves, they are very unsafe. They are known to have a very high probability for various complications. It is believed that the surgical method to enlarge the male penis is a kind of guarantee of a positive result.
The least dangerous surgical method for penis enlargement is considered to be the plastic frenum. With this operation, the penis can be lengthened by about 1. 5-2 centimeters. A more aggressive method is ligament surgery in the suprapubic area. These ligaments hold the penis together. With the help of such an operation, it is possible to lengthen the penis by about 3-5 cm. It is known that the imposition of various special implants is now widely used to thicken the penis (by 5-10 mm).
To lengthen and thicken, they can also offer prosthetics. Before performing any surgical operation, you need to understand that this is forever. And it is impossible to restore the size of your previous penis. Each method of penis enlargement surgery presented has its drawbacks. Therefore, it is necessary to reasonably assess the pros and cons. Also, such manipulation can only be entrusted to a qualified physician with extensive experience and a good reputation.
The surgical method of penis enlargement still has its own contraindications. It can be some common diseases, joint diseases, hormonal disorders, old age, diabetes mellitus, etc.
There is also a suggestion: before penis enlargement surgery, you still need to visit a psychologist. After all, the guy might be fine with his size. A sharp desire to enlarge his penis often arises after a man is unable to satisfy his partner. But you have to understand that size doesn’t matter at all. The main thing is to study your partner well and find out what will bring him the most pleasure.
Non -surgical penis enlargement method
It happens that a urologist refuses to refer a man to a surgeon who has decided to enlarge his penis. What can he do? In this case, men rely on various methods of penis enlargement without surgery. First, it can be an improvement using a special extender (this is a special stretching device).
The essence of this method is that a person's living tissue will form a physiological response to the application of tensile forces. It is known that any part of the human body is capable of responding to such influences with a kind of accelerated cell division, as well as an increase in tissue mass.

This extender, in principle, can be worn all day. In this case, the patient can lie down, stand, sit, and even walk. If you wear an extender for about six months, you can lengthen the penis by 3-4 centimeters. If you use this device properly, no side effects will occur. Also, there will be no thinning of the penis, which many men dread. Extenders also do not affect potency and fertility in any way.
There is also the opinion that extra centimeters can be given with the introduction of testosterone, as well as drugs that stimulate testosterone production. But experts say that this is just a myth. Male hormones should not affect penis size. It affects her sexual function exclusively. If testosterone is used without consultation, it is fraught with hormonal imbalances. Testosterone holes can develop, leading to loss of sexual function and even infertility.

There are also ways to enlarge the penis with the help of special creams. Many people pay attention to such advertising on the Internet. At first glance, such a cream is very easy to apply. But with all this, they promise great results. Many men are encouraged to buy with these promises. But you need to understand that the effect of the cream will be minimal or not at all. It is believed that the cream only provides temporary penis enlargement.
So, a slight significant increase of up to 1. 5 centimeters can last somewhere up to 5-6 hours. Usually, these creams have a vasodilating and warming effect. This is why there is an increase. But you have to remember that most of these creams contain a variety of harmful allergens as well as hormone supplements. Penis enlargement creams can cause normal irritation as well as damage to the mucous membranes. Especially "unsuccessful" creams can cause chemical burns.
Another option for penis enlargement is to use a vacuum pump. What's that? This method is based on the treatment of negative stress. Basically, this is the only safe medicine that can be used at home. If the vacuum pump is combined with a heating ointment, then this can really lead to an increase in the male limb (increase in length by 3 cm) and its thickening (up to 5 millimeters).
Some experts believe that it can improve erections. This special pump must be used properly and very carefully. This is necessary so as not to damage the mucous membranes of the penis and its ducts. You can use such a pump yourself only after a meeting and consultation with an andrologist.
The important thing: for this method to work, the man needs to exercise regularly and live a full sex life. It is unrealistic to do penis enlargement once and for all with a vacuum pump.

Combined methods of penis enlargement
This method is considered the most effective. What is the essence? In the first stage, a surgical operation is performed, and then an extender is used (using classical techniques). Why is it so effective? And all because after surgery there is a kind of partial discharge called "hidden" of the male genitalia. That is why there is an opportunity to get great results.